
Carte topographique Krupanj

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À propos de cette carte

Nom : Carte topographique Krupanj, altitude, relief.

Lieu : Krupanj, Krupanj Municipality, Macva Administrative District, Central Serbia, 15314, Serbia (44.32563 19.32284 44.40563 19.40284)

Altitude moyenne : 484 m

Altitude minimum : 229 m

Altitude maximum : 876 m

The town lies in western Serbia, at the southern border of the Pannonian plain and Mačva region. It is surrounded by the mountains Jagodnja, Boranja and Sokolska planina, in a valley intersected by several rivers and creeks. In the town itself, the rivers Bogoštica, Čađavica and Kržava conjoin into Likodra, which later empties into Jadar. The town lies at the altitude of 280 m.

Wikipedia (CC-BY-SA 3.0)

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Serbia > Central Serbia > Macva Administrative District > Krupanj Municipality

Brezovice, Krupanj Municipality, Macva Administrative District, Central Serbia, 15312, Serbia

Altitude moyenne : 240 m